Manpreet Singh Almast

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#6 - One year later

And I am back. I managed to write five posts before I gave up. I am impressed.

I tried to understand my problem this time around. I give up too quickly — at least, that’s what others call it. But do I? Can it be titled giving up? I don’t know. It’s a common pattern in my life — I start something with full enthusiasm but then give up too soon. But is it really giving up, or is it something else?

Let me use my own workout journey as an example. I don’t particularly enjoy going to the gym, but I found a combination of diet and mindset that helped me get into a routine. I was going to the gym 6 out of 7 days a week and feeling great. Then, the weekend came around. My wife and I had a lot of fun and didn’t get enough sleep. On Monday, I didn’t wake up to go to the gym. And on Tuesday, I woke up and went back to sleep, thinking I would go later in the day (but I didn’t). By Friday, I hadn’t gone to the gym all week.

Why did this happen? My brain is wired in such a way that if I can’t follow my perfect plan, it’s not worth going at all. This is a form of perfectionism that holds me back and causes many of my failures.

But I’ve realized that something is often much better than nothing. So today, I went to the gym, even though I didn’t follow my perfect plan. And I will continue to do so in an attempt to rewire my brain and overcome this obstacle.

It’s not as simple as being lazy, and it’s something that many of us struggle with. The key is to understand the underlying issues and find ways to overcome them. I’ll keep you updated on my journey.

Question Blog #6: 
Any advice on how to combat my issue in a good way? Do you ever feel this way?