#5 - Moving Day

My wife and I are moving today. It's only a 10 min walk away, but a move is a move. While I am looking forward to our first apartment together, I am kind of sad too. We loved this place and the roommate we shared it with. And the view, the freaking beautiful view.

We both have been a little stressed the last few days since we constantly pack and plan. Despite having moved individually multiple times in our lives, it never gets easier. We thought of hiring movers, but it's just too expensive for what it is. We have friends and family coming in to help us.

Another thing is that we might only stay at the new place for 6 months as we are looking into the option of buying an apartment. This has a mental effect on us - it makes our new home only a temporary residence.

If I have learned one thing about moving - plan and pack as much as you want, but on the day of the move, following Shia LeBoeuf's and Nike's advice, "Just Do It!". You can not overthink it. You just have to roll up your sleeves and get on with it.

Question Blog #5:
What do you do to make your move less stressful?


#6 - One year later


#4 - Product Management